Zotzmann & Hese KG

+49 511 / 373 87 414 info@ozontherapie.de

Zotzmann & Hese KG

World of Ozone

OZON 2000

This product is not offered and sold in the EU and Switzerland. It is pointed out that the necessary certification according to the EU Medical Devices Regulation and MepV is not given.

Technical Specifications:

  • Manufacturer:
    Zotzmann & Hese KG
    Brüsseler Str. 12
    30539 Hannover
  • Model description OZON 2000
  • Power supply 100 – 240 V AC – 50-60 Hz
  • Output: 120 V A
  • Devices safety class: I
  • Fuses: 2 x 0.630 A (230 V) or 2 x 1,25 A (120 V) slow-to-burn
  • Gas employed: Oxygen medical grade
  • Input pressure Fine adjustment with special pressure reducer with flow meter
  • Accuracy of instruments: with mains voltage max. +-5% (end of scale)
  • Discharge nozzles: LUER / LUER LOK
  • Safety mechanisms: I. Time-controlled pressure relief II. Air-Bloc-system
  • Weight about 14 kg (without accessories)
  • pictograms: used pictograms are explained in the owners manual